lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

It is the provoked interruption of the vital development of the fetus, before this has reached the twenty weeks of gestation, which is denominated childbirth pretermito, is different to the abortion, I miscarry spontaneous" that refers to the fact that is presented in a natural way and without will mediates of eliminating to the nasiturus on the part of the mother or on the part of the doctor that assists the childbirth work.
The most frequent symptoms that present the abortion are the abdominal pain of colic type or in the lumbar region; the accompanied vaginal hemorrhage or not of abdominal colic pains or the emission of matter solid tisular or of clots for the vagina, some of these signs are frequent during the first months of the gestation without they have to go necessarily followed by abortion.
The possible situations go from the abortion considered as a crime against the human life or despenalizada in case the pregnant one consents, at the present time, the legislation in most of the world contemplates the decriminalization of the abortion for intermediate suppositions, always taking the will of the pregnant one as requirement

Do we consider that the abortion can be classified in Spontaneous or Induced?

Is it considered spontaneous abortion to the loss of the gestation before the twenty-six weeks, when the fetus is not still under conditions of surviving with guarantees outside of the maternal uterus? Does a spontaneous abortion happen when a pregnancy finishes in an abrupt way? An eight and fifteen percent of the pregnancies, according to the sources that are detected finish this way, although an important and difficultly variable number

Abortion is called induced the one that is caused with the intention of eliminating the fetus, with different ends, in different social and legal contexts, with or without medical attendance. She is considered that every year between 42 and 46 million women around the world they appeal to the abortion induced to finish with a not wanted pregnancy. Of them, at least 19 millions are considered insecure abortions, that is to say, abortions in those that the woman's life is usually in serious danger. It is the as the resultant of maneuvers practiced deliberately with spirit of interrupting the pregnancy. The maneuvers can be carried out by the own one pregnant or for another person for responsibility of this.

The abortion can be induced in many ways, and the election depends on the time of development of the embryo or fetus, of the mother's health, of the socioeconomic context in the one that takes the decision and be carried out the act, especially the access to the medical services, and of the on limits for the legislation, among many other factors.

An abortion procedure is known, which is:

It consists on the interruption of the development of the embryo and in their elimination for the channel of the childbirth, everything induced it by what is usually a fármacos combination. It is only feasible in the first weeks of the pregnancy.
This procedure type is usually the favorite one when it is possible, because it doesn't require anesthesia neither neither a surgical intervention (the use of instruments), being the biggest inconveniences the one bled and that the woman can observe the process and the expelled embryo, what is psychologically painful for those women that doubt of the morality or of the convenience of the act.
The procedure goes reduced its effectiveness after the seventh week of development. In spite of their relative simplicity, the process requires a continuous medical surveillance to assure the success, to prevent possible complications, and also often because the evacuation is incomplete and it requires the final intervention of a doctor.

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